
20 People Who Are Having a Much Worse Day Than You Are

Life is a roller coaster. We all go through ups and downs, but it's reassuring to know that in those tough times, we are not alone.

Chances are that somewhere, right now, someone's having a way worse day than you.

Today, it's these 20 fine folks.


via: Reddit
‘The F fell off my Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I drive a Ford Fiesta Lame,” this Redditor wrote.

Buddy, I hate to tell you this, but you’ve always been driving a Ford Fiesta Lame.


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Don’t be like Diego.

Write important dates down.


via: Reddit
A porcupine fell out of a tree and onto this lady’s head. An unlucky split second for the porcupine, and an unlucky several painful hours for this poor woman.


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Well, this is quite embarrassing.

For everyone involved.


via: Reddit
Well, this is pretty much the opposite of what cabinets are supposed to do.

On the bright side, now this person is pretty much forced to do some spring cleaning.

Next we have a real classic…


via: Reddit
Doesn’t get any better than a rip in the pants. And this is a big one!

They say they prepare you for anything a the academy… Wonder if they saw this one coming.


sav 🦋🌸
so i ordered a chair for my room off of amazon and...

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4:56 PM - Aug 3, 2017
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Let this be a lesson to you:

Always check the dimensions.


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It’s really difficult to imagine the series of events that led up to this, but when I look at this picture, all I think about how horrible it probably smells. Melted plastic and strawberry marshmallows? No thanks.


via: Reddit
Ah yes, the age-old question: What do you do when the fire truck’s on fire?

I have no idea if they figured it out or not.


via: Reddit
Similarly, it’s quite hard to rid your house of a giant scary spider when said giant scary spider it perched atop the can of bug killer.

But at least this person didn’t fall into a pool of wet cement…


via: Reddit
This poor kid. He was already having a bad day since a scooter is a dumb vehicle, and then he goes and wipes out in wet cement. Who doesn’t put tape around a block of drying cement?

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